In the modern industrial scenario, technological evolution and component customisation are key factors for companies seeking to maintain and improve their competitiveness, especially in highly specialised sectors such as the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

The rotary joint plays a key role in fluid handling, especially in applications requiring high temperature thresholds and heavy-duty continuous operation.

The ability to develop tailor-made solutions that precisely meet customers' needs not only improves efficiency and process reliability, but also translates into a substantial competitive advantage.

An emblematic example of this dynamic is the project carried out by Johnson-Fluiten for the development of the latest Custom RHB rotary joint, intended for a specific application in the chemical sector.


hb pharma chemical


The genesis of the project; Identifying the needs


The project of this particular RHB rotary joint began quite some time ago, characterized by the special requirements of a special machine designed for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. The project grew out of the realization that standard solutions often fall short of the unique challenges of this industry, necessitating a customized approach to component design.

In 2021, a leading manufacturer of machinery for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry approached Johnson-Fluiten with a specific request: the fabrication of a custom rotary joint for a machine intended for drying (specifically liquid-to-solid transformation) in the production process for fertilizer.

This machinery, operating at low rotational speeds (up to 10 / 15 rpm), high pressures (about 13 Bar) and high operating temperatures (up to 315° C), required a component capable of ensuring maximum reliability and safety, considering the use of diathermic oil at very high temperatures.

rhb plus


Overcoming challenges; Adaptability in the face of change


The road to success is seldom linear; the RHB Custom Series design has been characterized by numerous revisions, each induced by changing requirements and unforeseen obstacles. Johnson-Fluiten's engineers and sales staff demonstrated unparalleled flexibility, adapting the design of the rotary joint to match project changes. This ability proved critical, ensuring that the final product not only met but exceeded expectations.

The development of the 2 ½-inch RHB Custom Series rotary joint presented several technical and operational challenges. The need to operate under extreme conditions required a design that could not only withstand high temperatures, but also prevent any possible leakage of fluid into the atmosphere, minimizing the risk of accidents and ensuring personnel and plant safety.


rhb detail


Johnson-Fluiten has responded to these needs through the integration of innovative features into the RHB rotary joint:


  • Double Mechanical Seal

    Ensures component integrity even under the harshest working conditions, eliminating the risk of thermal oil leakage.
  • Cooling unit

    A dedicated system that ensures proper operation of the joint at temperatures up to 400°, crucial to the efficiency of the drying process.


cooling station


Benefits; Safety, Operational Integrity and Durability



One of the key features of the RHB Custom Series rotary joint is its contribution to workplace safety. By preventing diathermic oil leakage-a potential hazard given the high operating temperatures of oil-the rotary joint provides a safer environment for chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.


The joint design not only promises longevity but also simplifies maintenance, a vital factor in minimizing downtime. Simple routine maintenance procedures, such as replacing seals, bearings, springs, and gaskets, extend the life of the component and ensure its continuous and reliable operation under harsh conditions.


Johnson-Fluiten's commitment to excellence goes beyond manufacturing. Periodic service and maintenance scheduling provides end users with peace of mind, ensuring optimal rotary joint performance without disruption. This system underscores Johnson-Fluiten's dedication to the success of its customers, ensuring that operational efficiency is maintained and unplanned downtime is avoided.

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The collaboration between the customer and Johnson-Fluiten has not been limited to just providing a high-performance component. Through a dedicated consulting service, Johnson-Fluiten works closely with each customer to identify the most appropriate solution for specific operational needs, with the ongoing support of the company's R&D department. This approach makes it possible to overcome the most complex technical challenges, turning the specific needs of each project into opportunities to innovate and improve.


Johnson-Fluiten's Value Added and The Key Role of Maintenance


The creation of the RHB Custom Series rotary joint demonstrated Johnson-Fluiten's commitment to innovation and excellence in customer service. The ability to listen, flexibility in design, and precision in execution are the pillars that have enabled Johnson-Fluiten to respond effectively to customer requirements, providing a custom solution that not only meets but exceeds expectations in terms of performance and reliability.


rhb mount


A key aspect emerging from the success of this project is the importance of routine maintenance. Johnson-Fluiten emphasizes the value of a well-planned maintenance program, which can significantly extend the operating life of components, reduce long-term costs, and ensure maximum process efficiency. Johnson-Fluiten's functionality restoration service is designed to facilitate this by providing customers with efficient and timely after-sales management, resulting in reduced downtime and maximized productivity.


rhb shipped


Conclusion: A Winning Partnership


The collaboration between Johnson-Fluiten and its customer on the RHB Custom Series rotary joint project is a telling example of how open and constructive dialogue between suppliers and end users can lead to innovative solutions that specifically address industry needs. The success of this project lies not only in the production of a high-quality component, but also in the strengthening of a relationship of trust and collaboration that paves the way for future innovations.

Johnson-Fluiten confirms itself as a reliable, state-of-the-art partner for companies that make machinery or systems in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. The technical staff is always ready to put its experience and skills at the service of customers to meet and overcome the most complex challenges, leading the industry to new standards of excellence.







Our goal is to work closely with our customers to develop reliable, efficient and technically advanced products that add value by improving the process and quality of the final product.
Contact us and one of our experts will be available for any of your needs!
