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CFT Group, a leading player in the food industry machinery business, offers state-of-the-art solutions; equipment and complete production lines, manufactured in its Parma facilities, are implemented in companies all over the world. Reliable and consistent operation is aided by careful design, flawless service and, of course, the choice of premium materials and components.This is why CFT Group's partner for rotary joints is Johnson-Fluiten. For 80 years, CFT Group, a company based in Parma with customers around the world, has been producing solutions for food and beverage processing and packaging. Since 2021, the company has been part of ATS Corporation, a world leader in industrial automation: the synergy with this large company allows it
Johnson-Fluiten will be closed for winter break from 23 December to 6 January included. If you have any questions about shipping and delivery during this time, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department. We thank you all for your patience, cooperation and support. The Johnson-Fluiten Team
High-speed paper machines require precise and reliable heat transfer control to ensure uniform drying of the paper product. The PT2X™ rotary joint, exclusively distributed by Johnson-Fluiten for the Italian market, offers a cutting-edge solution to enhance efficiency in the paper production sector. Discover how PT2X™ revolutionizes production in modern paper mills! Advantages of the PT2X™ Rotary Joint 1- Extreme Reliability: Designed to operate seamlessly even under the extreme conditions of modern paper machines, the PT2X™ ensures continuous performance, reducing downtime. 2 - Balanced Seal: This feature evenly distrib
Prevent is better: this is Johnson-Fluiten's philosophy regarding maintenance. Personalized after-sales service that is attentive to each customer's needs leads to minimizing the need for invasive interventions or unscheduled downtime, while the experience and expertise of the company's technicians allow them to restore rotary joints to optimal condition in a short time if necessary. We talked about this with Danilo Volontè, the company's area sales manager. How to ensure the safety and efficiency of rotary joints over time? Thanks to our focus on
Johnson-Fluiten will be closed for summer break from August 8 to August 23 included. If you have any questions about shipping and delivery during this time, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department. We thank you all for your patience, cooperation and support. The Johnson-Fluiten Team
Once again this year, Johnson-Fluiten and Kadant Johnson Systems International confirm their presence at the new edition of MIAC – Mostra Internazionale dell’Industria Cartaria, Italy's most important trade show for paper and board production and converting technologies, which will be held in Lucca from 9 to 11 October. This edition will be particularly relevant; in addition to the well-known and appreciated products and services dedicated to the paper industry such as: - ENERGY SURVEY
六月 25 2024
Scheduled Service Suspension
In accordance with our ongoing efforts to improve and enhance operational efficiency, we are excited to announce a significant upgrade of our ERP management system. This step is essential to simplify our processes and optimize interactions with our partners. Transition period: Please note that from 1 July to 10 July, our current system will be in a process of transition to the new ERP. During this period, we will not be able to enter or modify orders and handle returns. We assure you that this suspension is necessary to ensure a smooth and efficient transition to the new system. Communication and support: f you have any questions or urgent needs during the transition period, please call your Johnson-Fluiten's contact directly or the Customer Service department on +39 02 339 40 91 -
At MIAC - the International Paper Industry Exhibition - which will be held in Lucca from 11 to 13 October, Johnson-Fluiten teams up with Kadant to present products and solutions that have made the multinational group a benchmark in the industry. Efficiency, Savings and Safety These are the three pillars on which KADANT relies to achieve the core objective of its mission: the improvement of production processes in the paper industry. The target that the KADANT group aims at, with its participation in the MIAC, is not to present itself as a supplier of a wide range of products, but to provide targeted and customised technological solutions capable of achieving tangible and measurable results that bring a real
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Seit 1973 entwickelt und fertigt Matex Anlagen für die Beschichtung und Veredelung von Textilien; insbesondere Maschinen für die Herstellung von Kunstleder werden in Branchen mit hohen Qualitätsanforderungen wie der Automobilindustrie sehr geschätzt. Bei den Drehdurchführungen hat Matex keine Zweifel: der Referenzlieferant ist Johnson-Fluiten Matex hat sich auf die Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Systeme für Unternehmen aus den verschiedensten Sektoren spezialisiert und ist vor allem für seine Beschichtungsanlagen bekannt, mit denen beschichtete/laminierte Materialien hergestellt werden können, die in der Möbel-, Schuh-, Luxusgüter- und Automobilindustrie sehr geschätzt werden. Die Beschichtungsanlagen von Matex e
分类: News DE
Wenn es um die Leistung von Dichtköpfen geht, spielt die Ausrichtung eine entscheidende Rolle für eine optimale Lebensdauer und Leistung Unsere Dichtköpfe sind zwar so konstruiert, dass sie ein gewisses Maß an Fehlausrichtung tolerieren, aber wenn Sie die notwendigen Schritte unternehmen, um eine bessere Ausrichtung zu erreichen, können Sie ihre Langlebigkeit deutlich erhöhen. In diesem Artikel gehen wir auf die Bedeutung der Ausrichtung ein und geben Ihnen wichtige Hinweise, wie Sie eine möglichst lange Lebensdauer Ihrer Dichtköpfe erreichen können Was ist zu prüfen, um eine korrekte Ausrichtung zu erreichen? Um die Voraussetzungen für eine lange Lebensdauer zu schaffen, ist es wichtig, die folgen