BCI Union G-50422-0000

Quick Overview
The Bearing Cover Inserted (BCI) rotary union is applied to continuous casting steel segment rolls on water service.

It is self-centering and mounted inside the bearing cover to protect the rotary union from breakouts and eliminates side loading caused by external flexible hoses. The ability to handle misalignment, the large flow area, and simple design make this rotary union a preferred design for all new and rebuilt continuous casting roll segments. Field tests have proven the BCI rotary union capable of operating for multiple campaigns without requiring repair.

Part id
Más Información
Tipo Paso Doble – Sifón Estático
Entrada M 25 mm
Salida P 25 mm
RPM (máx.) 10 rpm
Líquido Agua
Presión 10 bar
Fabricante Johnson-Fluiten
País de origen Italia
Temperatura (max) 120°C